Anyone using information or codes on these pages does so at their own risk - no guarantees of stability or profitability are claimed. These codes are all for testing purposes only.
Note: It has been brought to my attention that there is an undeclared variable "data2" in one or more modules of this code. I no longer have access to my TS account or codes for varification thus I cannot compile and verify it, so please be aware of this error.
//// Set properties for $30 slippage & $3.15 commission per contract
//// This is only in test mode - short trade not written yet but coming
//// Takes limited number of trades but results are fairly successful.
//// EXIT CONTROLS ///////////////////////////////////////////
var: Y(true), N(False);
Var{Sub for inputs}: MultiX (y), {Multi-exits -turn on here or in "MultiExits" & adjust at bottom -switch - T=ON, F=OFF}
HdStop (n), {Turn on Hard Stop & Hard Target here - settings (bottom) -switch - T=ON, F=OFF}
StoRSIx (n); {turn on RVI crossover exits and stops}
////////////////////////// SHORT - LONG TRADE CONTROL //////////////////////
Var{Sub for inputs}: Tradetype (0); {1 For Long - 2 for short - 3 for both---->} Tradetype =3
/////////////////////////////// STOCHASTIC DELIMITER sets filters or minimum levels for overbought/oversold
Var {Inputs}: Delimiter(80), MA(0), MAlength(1{144}), TradeSessionStart(0000), TradeSessionEnd(2400);
///////////////// STOCHASTIC RSI CODE BEGIN //////////////////
Var{Input}: RSILength(8), StocLength(8), WMALength(8), StoRSI1(0), StoRSI2(0),StoRSI3(0),StoRSI4(0),StoRSI5(0);
MA=(Average(C, MAlength));
StoRSI1=RSI (Close, RSILength) - Lowest(RSI(Close, RSILength), StocLength);
StoRSI2 = Highest(RSI(Close, RSILength), StocLength) - Lowest(RSI(Close, RSILength), StocLength);
If StoRSI2<> 0 then StoRSI3 = StoRSI1/StoRSI2;
StoRSI4 = 2*(WAverage(StoRSI3, WMALength) - .5);
StoRSI5 = StoRSI4[1]; //define trigger
//Plot1(StoRSI4, "StocRSI",blue); Plot2(StoRSI5, "Trig",green); Plot3(0,"Zero",yellow); Plot4(.6,"",black);Plot5(-.6,"",black);
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// STOCHASTIC RSI---END Use code above for plotting if desired
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////TRADE TRIGGERS
If 1=1 //Stochastic RSI Long Entry
and (tradetype = 1 or tradetype = 3)
and MarketPosition(0)=0
and StoRSI5 crosses over StoRSI4
and MA< MA[1]
and StoRSI4 < (-delimiter*.01)
and close data2 > average (close,4) data2
//and average (close,21)data2 > average (close,21)[1] data2
////and average (close,34)> average (close,34)[5]
////and close< average(close,3)
////and RangeLeader[1]=1
and Time >TradeSessionStart
and Time <TradeSessionEnd
then buy ("StoRVIlong") next bar at market;
If 1=1 //Stochastic RSI Long Exit
and StoRSIx=true
and MarketPosition(0)=1
and StoRSI5 crosses under StoRSI4
and StoRSI4> delimiter*.01
and average (close,34)< average (close,34)[5]
//and close> average(close,21)
//and average (close,21)data2 < average (close,21)[5] data2
then sell ("Longexit") next bar at market;
/////StoRSI Stop - Input true to turn on, false to turn off
Var: StoRSIStop (HdStop), StoRSILongStopPrice(.0030){.0035},StoRSIShortStopPrice(.0025){.0035}; //hard stop
If 1=1 //long stop
and StoRSIx = true //test for on or off
and MarketPosition(0)=1
then begin
Sell Next Bar at EntryPrice - StoRSILongStopPrice stop; //stoploss trigger
SetProfitTarget (.035);
If 1=1 //Stochastic RSI short entry
and (tradetype = 2 or tradetype = 3)
and MarketPosition(0)=0
and StoRSI5 crosses under StoRSI4
and MA> MA[1]
and StoRSI4 > (delimiter*.01)
and close data2 < average (close,4) data2
//and average (close,21)data2 < average (close,21)[1] data2
////and average (close,34)< average (close,34)[5]
////and close> average(close,3)
////and RangeLeader[1]=1
and Time >TradeSessionStart
and Time <TradeSessionEnd
then sellshort ("StoRVIshort") next bar market;
If 1=1 //Stochastic RSI Short Exit
and StoRSIx=true //test for on or off
and MarketPosition(0)=-1
and StoRSI5 crosses over StoRSI4
and StoRSI4< -delimiter*.01
and average (close,34)> average (close,34)[5]
//and close< average(close,21)
//and average (close,21)data2 > average (close,21)[5] data2
then buytocover ("Shortexit") next bar at market;
If 1=1 //StoRSI short Stop
and StoRSIx = true //test for on or off
and MarketPosition(0)=-1
then begin
BuytoCover Next Bar at EntryPrice + StoRSIShortStopPrice stop; //stoploss trigger
SetProfitTarget (.025);
////////// EXITS //////////
//These exits are controlled with MultiExits below or at "MultiX" top of page. Set to "false" in BOTH places to turn off.
{Exit strategy group includes stops and targets. It's set for divergence from the entry price instead of a specific price point.
There is a stop, a profit target, a breakeven stop, 2 different trailing stops, and an end-of-day exit.
This will exit your entire position, either long or short.
IntrabarOrderGeneration is set to false because these commands evaluate intrabar even when intrabar order generation is disabled.}
[IntrabarOrderGeneration = false]
var{Inputs}:{these are exit inputs: Suggested Starting Points (SSPs) are for EUR.USD and similar Forex instruments 15-30 minute bars}
ShareOrPosition( 1 ), //1 = per share basis, 2 = position basis
ProfitTargetAmt( .01), //SSP .01 or 0 if you don't want a specific profit target
StopLossAmt( .001 ), // SSP .001 or 0 if you don't want a stop loss
BreakevenFloorAmt( 0 ), //SSP .004 or 0 if you don't want a breakeven stop
DollarTrailingAmt( .004 ), //SSP .004 or 0 if you don't want a dollar trailing stop
PctTrailingFloorAmt( 0 ), //SSP .002 or 0 here and/or in next input if you don't want a percent trailing stop or XX for XX percent
PctTrailingPct( 0 ); // SSP .01. Enter 0 here and/or in previous input if you don't want percent trailing stop or XX for XX percent
{ ExitOnClose( false ); Turned off, not needed - Set to TRUE only for back-testing, if at all; in automated execution, the exit order
will NOT be filled at the close of the day; instead, the order can be sent into the extended session as a limit order. }
if MultiExits=true or MultiX=true then begin
if ShareOrPosition = 1 then SetStopShare else SetStopPosition;
if ProfitTargetAmt > 0 then SetProfitTarget( ProfitTargetAmt );
if StopLossAmt > 0 then SetStopLoss( StopLossAmt );
if BreakevenFloorAmt > 0 then SetBreakeven( BreakevenFloorAmt );
if DollarTrailingAmt > 0 then SetDollarTrailing( DollarTrailingAmt );
if PctTrailingFloorAmt > 0 and PctTrailingPct > 0 then SetPercentTrailing( PctTrailingFloorAmt, PctTrailingPct );
//if ExitOnClose = true then SetExitOnClose;
////// HARD STOP & TARGET ////////
Var: HardStop (HdStop), HardStopPrice(.0005){.0009}; //true to turn on, false to turn off
If HardStop = true then begin
Sell Next Bar at EntryPrice - HardStopPrice stop;
SetProfitTarget (.08);
{Rangeleader tests if the mid-point of the current bar is > previous High or < previous Low
and if the Range of the current bar is > Range of the previous bar. Both true = 1; One or both false = 0}
//Daily cost of carry = (qty of units traded X interest rate differential) / 360